Master input from xyz and bending-data
Manage Tube - Master (master tube) - measured tube (present tube) load and save
Excel Import / Export - bending- and intersection point coordinates in Excel format
.IGES special converter - Import/Export
.STEP special converter - Import/Export
Managertool - Automation (creating flowchart, from measurement up to documentation) (V8.1) Measure U-bend incl. various processing options
Measurement plan - for small bending angle, small intermediate lengths, bending radius
Data table - changes in x, y, z coordinates of the intersection points or bending data
Measure points on object - check against master IGES, deviations in xyz
Bestfit - measured tube to master (target tube)
Bestfit extended - measured tube to a coordinate point
Align the pipe in the coordinate system to 0
Set priorities for correction calculation
Calculate correction for bending machine
Correction values of the bending coordinates for bending machines - operator
Documentation of the correction data and deviations
Documentation of the tube intersection coordinates in different orientations
User defined dimensioning f.e. angles
Tube documentation - 1:1 flat tube
Excel / PDF report
Change tube position with mouse, without changing the coordinate system
Change tube - reduce, divide, connect, insert, etc.
RPS alignment (reference point system)
Check collision of tubes / delete collision lines
Includes the download of the TeZetCAD APP
Define coordinate system
Define interference contour
Definition of tube coordinates in space with the support of the TeZetCAD APP
Adaption of the tube route
Changes only in bending coordinates without A/B end displacement
Measure flanges and mounting parts / Add-on's
Tube documentation 3D
Documentation flange data - hole positions in xyz and position flange, align, etc.
Module Taktile
Measure tube tactile - Tube process, Radius, Offset for tube ends
Additional module Infrared or Laserline depending on measuring arm Measure Tube Infrared - Tube process, Radius, Offset for tube ends
Measure Tube Laserline - Tube process, Radius, Offset for tube ends